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Your Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer
Serving Injury Victims Throughout Wisconsin
You need a tough smart lawyer fighting for you if you’re a victim in a car accident, truck accident or motorcycle accident. If someone you care about has suffered a traumatic brain injury or wrongful death, you want to be sure you receive the most cash and benefits possible. But personal injury law is not a “do-it-yourself” process. You need a tough, smart personal injury attorney fighting for your rights and the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
We will build the best plan to help your case succeed and have all the resources necessary to hire special experts to help strengthen your claim. A Wisconsin personal injury lawyer from our office will protect your rights and aggressively represent your interests in court. If you or a loved one has been injured by the negligence of others, please contact our law firm today. You have rights and may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.
We’ll Fight For You, Contact Us Today!
We Can Help – We Will Come to You
Helping Those Injured in Wisconsin
To make sure that you are getting the best possible settlement, someone has to manage the hundreds of details critical to supporting your case.
Are you willing to spend hours of your own valuable time locating witnesses, getting police and ambulance reports, obtaining doctors, nurses and hospital reports, getting copies of all medical bills, verifying wages lost through your employer, calculating mileage to and from your doctors, photographing your injuries, documenting damage to your vehicle, filing claims with insurance companies? The list goes on and on.
Gendlin, Liverman & Rymer (GLR) will do it for you. We’re tough, smart lawyers who do more than just file your claim and present the insurance company offer. We’re here for you every step of the way. If you are unable to come to us, we will visit you in your home or in the hospital.
We’ll explain everything to you, including your options, so you understand your case. We’ve gained a reputation with insurance companies for being aggressive and fighting for the rights of accident victims like you. Our attorneys have won verdicts as high as $7.2 million.
Our attorneys working together, fighting for your rights.
GLR Has Recovered Millions Of Dollars For There Clients
Our personal injury lawyers are experienced in helping people who have been hurt in all kinds of accidents throughout Wisconsin.
Our Testimonials & Distinctions